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5 Ways To Be A Community Hero In 2016

5 Ways To Be A Community Hero In 2016

We love to champion community heroes, here at RH Uncovered. And yes, while we do feature some truly inspirational residents who have raised thousands upon thousands of pounds for local charities, or have done something completely out-of-the-norm for a cause close to their hearts, we want to prove that anyone can take an active role within their community and make where they live a better place. Here’s five easy ways that you can get involved (no cape necessary!):

Take an interest
What interests you? Are you concerned about a neighbourhood issue? Do you want to help your child’s school raise money? Or, maybe you would like to set up a group for like-minded residents to come together? If you feel something’s missing from your area or that something can be improved; there’s never been a better time to take an interest and get stuck in to create the community you would like to live in!

Play a part
Many of our local groups, charities and organisations are crying out for people, who can help them fulfil a varied range of roles. From admin whizzes to social media gurus, dedicated fundraisers to trusty drivers, if you would like to play a part and offer your services to a community cause – just get in touch with a local group. Alternatively, you can always contact Crawley Community and Voluntary Service on: 01293 657000, contact Reigate and Banstead Volunteer Centre on 01737 762115 or contact Horsham and Mid Sussex Voluntary Action on: 01444 258102 to discuss available voluntary placements. Don’t forget, we also have an extensive list of local organisations who may require your help, at the back of the magazine too!

See it? Clean it
Perhaps one of the easiest and most effective ways to visibly improve your immediate area is by simply, picking up litter! Many of us may shy away from this, but it can make our streets look so much nicer and ultimately improve our neighbourhoods, in an instant. There are many community-based groups who get together to do this, regularly. If you don’t have one in your area, why not start one?


Organise an event
Whether you want to bring residents together, raise money for a close-by cause or show-off how fantastic your community is (or all three!), why not start organising an event? There’s still plenty of time to plan summer fayres, fetes and fundraisers – just make sure we know about it, eight weeks in advance to help you to promote it!

Don’t be afraid to ask
One thing we have found about Community Heroes we have featured is that they’re not afraid to ask – be it for donations, raffle prizes or even help, for their causes and projects, after all, if you don’t ask, you don’t get, do you? If you’re looking for space to host meetings, sponsorship or for people to help you; just ask. If it benefits your community, the chances are that most people will be willing to get on board and not say no!

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