Mid Sussex Older People’s Council To Pose Questions To Katy Bourne
Mid Sussex Older People’s Council To Pose Questions To Katy Bourne
This year’s Mid Sussex Older People’s Council Annual Conference at Clair Hall in Haywards Heath will feature Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner, Katy Bourne.
The conference on Thursday, April 25 is a free-to-attend event for Mid Sussex residents aged 60 or older, Sussex’s crime tsar will update attendees as well as take questions.
In addition to Katy Bourne’s visit, conference guests will hear the latest news from Mid Sussex Older People’s Council which will be followed by entertainment and lunch.
Founded in 2004, Mid Sussex Older People’s Council (MSOPC) is an independent local charity,
run by older people, for the benefit of older people across the Mid Sussex area.
Refreshments will be available on arrival at 10.00am for a 10.30am start, with the event scheduled to close at 2.00pm. There will also be a raffle with the top prize a free boiler service worth around £90 (including VAT).
To book your place, call: 01444 242760, or email: nicola4@msopc.org.uk by Thursday, April 18.
For more information about MSOPC, visit: www.msopc.org.uk