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The British Wildlife Centre is now open – book your visit now!

BWC Owner David Mills With Squirrel

Great news! After over 3 months of closure due to Covid-19 the British Wildlife Centre (BWC) is thrilled to announce that it has opened to the general public from now for the whole of the summer holiday.

To make trips as safe as possible for staff and visitors, all visits must be pre-booked online to limit numbers and allow for social distancing. The new online booking system is now live, so why not book a day out to see the Centre’s fascinating collection of native wild species including this season’s new kittens, calves, fawns and owl chicks

The Visitor Centre will have a one-way entry and exit in operation and there will be plenty of hand-washing facilities and hand sanitisers around the Centre. Signage will remind visitors to hand wash regularly and there’ll be social distancing indicators around the site.

The Coffee Shop will be open offering a limited selection of takeaway drinks and pre-packaged foods. Visitors are welcome to bring their own food and use the socially distanced picnic areas. Some of the smaller indoor exhibits (such as the Nocturnal House and Badger Sett) will be closed due to limited space, however as much of the Centre is outdoors visitors will see plenty of wonderful wildlife.

The British Wildlife Centre’s staff and animals are looking forward to welcoming visitors back. Owner and founder, David Mills said: “The BWC team want to say a huge thank-you to everyone for their support and patience, particularly those who so generously donated during these tough times. Such generosity kept us going when our income suddenly ceased, which allowed us to keep the animals fed and maintain our usual high welfare standards. We have all been deeply touched. Now we can’t wait to throw the gates open once again and share our passion for Britain’s wonderful wildlife!”.

For more information and to book a ticket to the Centre visit:

Opening times: We open every weekend & bank holiday of the year
and daily during state school holidays (excluding 24, 25 & 26 December)

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