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Local Marketing Alternatives To Magazine Advertising


If you’re exploring marketing on a hyper-local level, you’re probably thinking about magazine advertising.

But there are plenty of alternative options that can be effective and deliver returns, whether that’s instead of or in conjunction with magazine advertising.

In this blog, we’ll outline some other key local marketing strategies that can be deployed without breaking the bank, giving details on what they are and how they might apply to you and your business.

First up…

Networking Makes Connections

Often people say that it’s not what you know, it’s who you know that makes the difference.

We’d dispute that since you wouldn’t be where you are if you didn’t have the knowledge to succeed…

But there’s definitely some logic in knowing the right people. And one of the simplest and most effective ways you can meet more of the right people is by putting yourself in a room with other like-minded business owners.

Networking is much more than just handing out business cards, it’s about building relationships that can be mutually beneficial.

Having a stack of contacts can be useful, but networking is more about a meeting of minds to discuss ideas, and opportunities and solve problems for each other.

By focusing on building relationships instead of just obtaining contacts, you can develop a network of genuine connections who are willing to refer your business to others because they genuinely believe in your work.

Networking also helps to build a support system. When you have a network of genuine connections, you have people you can turn to for advice, guidance, and support.

This support system can help you navigate challenging situations and offer you a different perspective when you need it. By building personal connections, you are also building a sense of community where people genuinely want to help each other succeed. This mutual support is something that cannot be achieved simply by exchanging business cards.

Leaflet Drops Deliver Returns

Leaflet drops or sending out flyers are some of the most effective pieces of local marketing any business can do.

It’s simple, cost effective and gets your message in front of people who could buy from you in the areas you work in.

Leaflet and flyer campaigns can be overlooked but the reality is that the only thing more effective than getting your name in front of people in a leaflet drop, or magazine advert, is a recommendation.

And as we know, nothing will ever beat a recommendation from a trusted friend, family member or colleague.

There are a few key things you need to consider with any flyer or leaflet campaign:

  • Where they’re going
  • What the message is
  • How you follow up
  • Why you’re sending them
  • And what you’re trying to achieve

Distribution is a crucial part of that process and figuring out where you’re going to send them, when, and whether you include a specific offer or not is essential.

But whatever you choose to do, make sure you keep your design clear, concise and simple. Say what you do, give your contact details and don’t be afraid to leave white space!

Facebook And Google Ads

Paid advertising through Facebook and Google can be a great way to reach your audience.

Thanks to location parameters, you’re able to narrow down your targeting on advertising so that you’re able to find just the people who are able to buy from you.

If you’ve never set up any paid adverts before, it’s probably wise to look for some help getting started or taking a course so you’re not wasting your money.

The good news is that you can set your budgets low while you figure out what’s working and what’s not, so it’s not draining your budget before you get going.

Google and Facebook are two massive sources of traffic for any website, so it’s worth considering whether you should be getting your advert out in paid traffic.

Everyone searches for services near them and if you can ensure you’re appearing in front of them, you’re onto a winner.

Which brings us onto our next alternative…

Search Engine Optimisation

Where do you head when you need something? Google, probably. But definitely a search engine.

That’s why search engine optimisation (SEO) is a huge part of marketing strategies for millions of businesses.

The great thing about SEO is that it doesn’t cost a thing… if you’re willing to invest your time in creating relevant content.

Search engines and content sites such as YouTube as well as Pinterest and others have long since ditched the old school format of serving people the websites that mention the thing you’re looking for the most.

Which means that generating SEO by writing ‘magazine advertising’ as many times as you can in a 500-word blog doesn’t work.

What they are doing, however, is serving people answers to questions. It’s often referred to as ‘they ask, you answer’ and it’s an SEO strategy that can pay dividends if you invest the time to create content around questions your customers or potential customers might have.

If your website is the one they land on for the answer, they’re probably going to have a look around while they’re there.

With SEO, you should be aware that it’s not an instant returns sort of marketing. It’s a long-term strategy that can be hugely beneficial and generate lots of traffic but there’s no overnight sensation when it comes to blog and content production.

The key is to be consistent, keep producing content and always ensure that it’s relevant and ticking the right boxes.

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