Spotlight: Lindfield Horticultural Society Celebrating 70+ years of green fingers in Lindfield

Think of yourself as an Alan Titchmarsh or a Monty Don? Do you need advice or inspiration for your own garden? Perhaps you want to share your advice or inspiration?
For more than 70 years the green fingered residents of Lindfield have learnt and shared garden advice and inspiration at the historic village’s very own horticultural society.
The group formed in 1945 has in the region of a healthy 280 members but is always open to newcomers and visitors according to the society’s publicity officer Heather Martin. The summer season is now in full-swing and the gardens of Mid and West Sussex need full-attention after the dormant, cold, wet winter months.
“If you’re a keen gardener from in and around Lindfield we’re a group for you.” Heather says. “We have a varied programme of talks which help to bring gardening and gardens to life.
In addition to talks we hold three flower and produce shows during the year. Coming-up we have one on Saturday, July 9 and one in the autumn on Saturday, September 10.”
The group welcomes speakers from head gardeners of wonderful landscapes to horticultural experts from specialist nurseries. Their light-hearted, illustrated talks provide members and visitors alike with advice and inspiration for their own gardens. These take place on Wednesday evenings (see the society’s website for more details).
“We also hold regular tea and coffee mornings and plant sales where members can pick-up a bargain or two and enjoy a chat over homemade cake. We have an active committee who arrange events for our members, which includes a host of organised trips and visits to gardens” Heather added.
Lindfield Horticultural Society meet at the King Edward Hall, opposite the pond on Lindfield High Street on various dates throughout the year. So if managing your green spaces, no matter how large or small is your thing and you enjoy meeting likeminded people to talk flowers and produce over tea and cake then the society might just be for you!
For more information about the Lindfield Horticultural Society contact, membership secretary Joyce Gladwell on 01444 456509 or visit the society’s website:, Twitter: @LindfieldHortSx or Facebook:
By Jacob White