“Anything is Achievable. You Just Need To Believe You Can Do It…”

When mum of one, Ruth Warren turned 40, she decided she wanted to push herself. Bringing together her passion for Girlguiding and giving herself the ultimate challenge.
The Brown Owl from Horley, embarked on the 100km London to Brighton route, with the hope of raising funds for a cause close to her heart – we caught up with her, just before her big adventure.
Between May 28 and May 29, while most of us were enjoying a relaxed Bank Holiday weekend, Ruth was pushing herself on the gruelling London to Brighton challenge.
However, with the firm goal of raising money towards the rebuilding of the Girlguiding Surrey East’s activity site at Faurefold at Westcott, near Dorking – the Brown Owl for 5th Horley Brownies was determined to do her bit.
“You wouldn’t look at me and think I could do it, but I really want to do something to help raise money needed for the repairs,” Ruth says.
“Faurefold is a very important part of the future of Girlguiding in this area as it provides young people with the opportunity to gather together and enjoy challenges, work as a team, learn new skills through activities as members of Girlguiding and other youth organisations who use the site throughout the year.”
The guiding facility has been home to the Girlguiding Surrey East county camp for more than 45 years and has seen many visits from Brownies and Guides, along with meetings and other activities.
However, to continue being able to host members, £400,000 is required to start the rebuild and development. £300,000 has already been raised, leaving £100,000 outstanding. Our brave Brown Owl hopes her fundraising will help towards this total.
Ever since June 2015, Ruth has been in training; getting up at 4.00am most weekends and taking on hill treks. But just how has the mum of one, who also runs a business with her husband and of course, is a busy Brown Owl, managed it? We asked her for her words of wisdom for those of us who want to challenge ourselves but are concerned about time-restraints.
“Stop what you’re doing and look at what you can achieve,” she says. “Being a mum everybody else comes before you, but you can be there – it just takes a little bit of organising! Pick something and find a way to achieve it, you can become happier, and it does get easier.’
“Never feel guilty about challenging yourself; it shows your children and others that you can achieve anything you set your mind to!”
Well said, Ruth! We hope you have a well-deserved rest before you embark on your next challenge, though!
To donate visit: https://mydonate.bt.com/fundraisers/madbunnywalking.