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Are You Sitting Comfortably?

Are You Sitting Comfortably

How you sit, walk and even lay matters, and the posture that you adopt directly affects your health, an improved posture can lead to your improved wellbeing. Posture is the position in which we hold our bodies whilst doing day-to-day activities – standing, sitting or even simply lying down, it is important to get it right, failure to do so can lead to a series of painful ailments.

When you have poor posture, you are doing a lot of damage to the frame of your body as you are increasing the pressure that is placed on your spine. This unwanted and unneeded added pressure placed on the spine generally leads to painful tension soreness, headaches, back pain and even fatigue.


By adopting postural imbalance, you are doing serious damage not just to the frame of your body but also to the internal workings of your body. A poor posture can lead to the compressing of internal organs which means that the organs will not work as efficiently as they should and cause damage.

Fatigue is a common sign and symptom of a poor posture, this is because, quite simply you are needing to put a lot more effort and energy into holding your body in an awkward and unnatural position which in turn also alters your breathing patterns causing you to tire easier and leaving you uncomfortable.

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Walk Tall

It can sometimes be overlooked that by adopting a good posture you can improve your confidence and your emotional health and wellbeing. A good, strong posture can also increase self-confidence by walking tall and help you tackle challenges such as job interviews and important business meetings, presentations and speaches.

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Good posture is all about the correct alignment of body parts which are supported by the right amount of muscle tension against the force of gravity. A good posture encourages you to enjoy better breathing and as a result reduces related fatigue as well as minimalising side-effects associated with bad posture.

The importance of a good posture means muscles, ligaments, bones and internal organs are in their natural position which helps to reduce the natural wear and tear that occurs through daily activities. A good posture can also help relieve stress, improve health and wellbeing and enhance your appearance.

Correcting your long-term bad posture requires determined discipline but the benefits are worth the effort by following some quick fixes. There are some simple strength and stretching exercises which you can try to help alleviate muscle tension caused by poor sitting and standing habits built up over time.

Exercises For A Hunched Back:
Try gently lengthening your neck upwards and tuck your chin inwards, thus staightening your neck,

Exercises For Stiff & Painful Necks:
Try neck stretches by gently lowering your left ear towards your left shoulder, hold this position for 10
to 15 deep breaths, then repeat on opposite side. Try neck rotations, slowly turn your chin towards
one shoulder, and hold for 10 to 15 deep breaths, then repeat this exercise on the opposite side.

By Jacob White

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