Beat A Burglar Before They Start
Beat A Burglar Before They Start
With the clocks changing at the end of this month, darker evenings are on their way and as a result your home might just look unoccupied more often. As the season changes what can you do to beat a burglar? Typically, burglars want as easier time as possible, so avoid making your home a target.
It is estimated in the UK that a domestic or commercial property is burgled every 40 seconds or so and the crime is generally the work of an opportunist. What makes your home a target? Burglars choose properties which offer them little or no chance of being detected. A burglar will look for few obstacles and a quick in-and-out route so, it is important to follow some simple but effective steps to deter thieves and keep your home secure.
Absence Makes A Burglar’s Heart Grow Fonder
Are you planning an autumn break? A property where owners are absent means a burglar feels more comfortable, so make sure you remove any obvious sings that you are absent. If you have newspapers delivered, cancel them, if your car is not going to be outside of your house, ask a neighbour to park their car in its place, and think about installing timer lights inside your home.
The Key To A Secure Home?
If you are going away for more than a couple of days this autumn leave a set of house keys with a neighbour. They can keep an eye on the house for you whilst you are away and make the house looked lived in whilst it is empty – ask them to draw curtains, move bins and anything that makes the house look lived in, and ask them to check for any signs of someone attempting to get in.
Out Of Sight, Out Of A Burglar’s Mind
Almost every house in Britain today has tech that mounts up into the thousands, look around your property and think how much your home entertainment totals up to. Move valuable items out of the view of sinister eyes, remember, if the items are out of sight they are out of mind, think about installing a safe to keep keys and jewellery
Avoid Letting Everyone Read All About It
In 2019 there is a near obsession to share your activities and photos on social media. While your friends and family will no doubt enjoy seeing your updates on Instagram and Facebook, so will those with far different motives, so resist the temptation to post and keep your whereabouts to yourself so burglars do not know when a house is empty.
Burglar Targets
In order to keep valuables safe, what items do burglars look for?
Artwork & Photos
Personal items which cannot be easily be replaced can sometimes
lead to a ransom demand
Personal Data
A device’s hard drive may have more value than the device
as it gives access to personal data
High value jewellery can also be of great sentimental value
and like artwork can be held to ransom