Crawley MP Fully Respects The Result Of The Conservative Party Leadership Vote

The MP for Crawley, Henry Smith, who last month submitted a letter of no confidence in Prime Minister Theresa May as leader of the Conservative Party has said that he fully respects the result of the Conservative Party Leadership vote last night (Wednesday, December 12).
The Prime Minister survived a confidence vote on her leadership by 200 to 117 votes, and under the rules of the influential 1922 Committee, chaired by Sir Graham Brady, which represents backbenchers, cannot be challenged within her party for another 12 months.
Henry Smith who handed in a letter of no confidence in Theresa May on November 15 told RH Uncovered:
“I fully respect the result of Theresa May winning the Conservative Party leadership vote in Parliament last night. It is vital to support the outcome of democratic due process.”
Drawing upon his own electoral experience and his unsuccessful run for the Crawley seat in the 2005 General Election, Smith added:
“In 2005 I was unsuccessful in the General Election to become Crawley’s MP by just 37 votes (the closest in the country) but I of course respected that result.”
Henry Smith, Crawley MP since 2010, has previously voiced concern about Theresa May’s Brexit deal, tweeting in July: “Last year I stool on an election promise to deliver the British people’s 2016 referendum decision to leave the EU, ECJ, Customs Union, Single Market and open border access. I work for my constituents and country first, and always.”
In the 2016 EU Referendum, 58.4% of Crawley voters voted to leave the European Union on a turnout of 73.2%.
Speaking about a Brexit deal and the scheduled meaningful vote which the Prime Minister pulled this week, Smith said:
“I believe it important that the Prime Minister now fully respects the vote by the largest number in UK polling history to deliver Brexit without ceding further powers to the EU.”
By Jacob White