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Crawley’s Apprentice Hayley Hopes To Cut It In Dad’s Memory

An ambitious apprentice from Crawley hopes to prove that she can truly cut it in the male-dominated industry of butchery as she follows her dreams and in her late father’s footsteps by learning the family butcher trade.

Hayley Mitchell, 22, from Crawley is preparing to start an apprenticeship in meat and poultry under the expert guidance and training of butchery colleagues and a meat assessor. The course programme begins with basic knife skills, before progressing to delicate cuts and complex carcass work, however, for the time being she is already proving to be a real whizz at making sausages – where she says that all good butchery apprentices start training.

For the former Oriel High School and Collyer’s student Hayley, the choice of career is much more than just a job, it is about a legacy. She says: “In 2017 my dad was diagnosed with bowel cancer, it very soon became clear that the diagnosis was terminal, so I decided I wanted to take the job on as an apprentice butcher in both of the family shops – Black Barn Butchers in Guildford and Flanagans in Crawley Down.”

Growing-up in West Sussex, the family butchery business was a big part of Hayley’s life, she acted as her late father’s Saturday girl in his shop in Guildford and she says she loved it. Year-in, year-out, Hayley would spend time helping in the popular shop especially at the peak Christmas period each year and describes the business and his shops as her father’s world, his life, his passion, and even his babies.

Speaking about the future, Hayley, says: “People who know me think I suit butchery to a t, I am not the type to sit in an office. My family and friends are proud that I am entering a male-dominated career and believe I will achieve great things. Dad encouraged me and mentioned that it was a great opportunity as there are few female butchers and that I could be a young influential
woman in this trade.”

With so many choices when it comes to buying meat, what makes Flanagans in Crawley Down stand out from the crowd? Hayley says: “The service you cannot and will not get in a supermarket, we know our regulars by name. The expertise and knowledge of the products – many of our butchers are foodies so know what cuts are best for certain recipes and are always happy
to answer any questions.”


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