Do Something, Be Something More

Did you know that 41% of people questioned for the Community Life Survey said they had volunteered within the previous year? With 27% saying that they volunteered at least once a month?
If you would like to volunteer your time or skills, but just haven’t got around to it yet; be sure to head down to East Grinstead Library on Saturday 20th February, between 10am-1pm for a Volunteer Fair, with a range of exciting local voluntary opportunities.
“For the last two years East Grinstead Library have kindly hosted a volunteer fair in February – an opportunity for local charities and community groups to showcase the different ways that people can get more involved in their community.” Sue Edgson, Volunteer Co-ordinator for Horsham and Mid Sussex Voluntary Action, who organise the fair, says. “Last year there were 368 enquiries from people looking to volunteer!”
The list of local charities and community groups signed up for the fair include: Girl Guiding, East Grinstead Museum, Age UK and HomeStart.
“Volunteering opportunities are many and varied: helping in a charity shop, leading a walking group, helping with fundraising, hosting a tea party for isolated older people, gardening, helping at a youth group, mentoring a young person, presenting a show on community radio,” Sue told us.
“By volunteering your time you will help your community, make new friends, build your confidence, learn new skills and have fun.
Hope to see you at the East Grinstead Volunteer Fair at East Grinstead Library on Saturday 20th February from 10am – 1pm!”