Encouraging Children to Help Build a Peaceful, Fairer World

When thinking about community-focused groups for children, organisations such as Scouts and Brownies are the ones that immediately spring to mind, for many of us. However, for the last twenty-five years, Woodcraft Folk – a group with fun and moral values at its core, has been running locally and nationally inspiring and encouraging children from Reigate and Redhill.
Originally stemming from the Scout movement and branching out on its own, over ninety years ago, Woodcraft Folk focuses on teaching children about the world and how to value the planet and each other, through mixed group activities, divided into age ranges.
“Our aim is to have great fun through a range of activities like drama, debating, games, being outdoors, singing, craft, active learning, camping, cooking, dancing …and anything anyone can think of,” Claire Walton, from Reigate and Redhill Woodcraft Folk, says.
“Through our activities, outings and camps, we help our members understand important issues about the world around us, our communities and our environment. As the children get older, the activities include a little more about issues that matter, for example Fair Trade, human rights and topically about refugees and homelessness.”
Children aged between 6-16 years take part in weekly group nights, each Tuesday at Wray Common School, Reigate, from 6:30pm, for an evening of singing, games and being outdoors!
“At the group nights we usually start off with all three age groups together, for a sing or a game for ten minutes, before then starting the evening’s activities. Feeling part of a bigger group is important to the family feel,” Claire continues.
“The group nights can be very varied, trying to be out as much as possible, such as meeting up in Priory Park or Reigate Heath for walks and wide games.”
When we asked group members why they loved being a part of Woodcraft Folk, they told us: “I have friends which I don’t have at school and I meet new people,” one aged nine said.
“We do different things every week…The groups are small you get to have a say in what you do and how you do it!” another, aged ten shared.
Would you or your child like to join the group? Volunteers and members are always welcome!
Email Claire on: reigateandredhillwoodcraftfolk@gmail.com, or call: 07939 052 816.