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A Handy Guide for a Year of Colour

A Handy Guide For A Year Of Colour

Ever wondered how to get your garden looking blooming lovely all year round? Wonder no more (and grab those gardening gloves!) as our handy guide uncovers all you need to know to make your garden gorgeous twelve months of the year!


This month is the perfect time for planting gladioli and acidantheras, to bloom in the summer months. Also, sow hardy annuals such as calendula officinalis (pot marigold), eschscholzia californica (California poppy) and nigella damascena (love-in-a-mist).


Now the risk of frost should have passed; it’s time to start planting your half-hardy annuals like cosmos, petunia and salvia, which will bloom until the first frosts of autumn. Plant any dahlia cuttings this month too.


With your garden bursting into life, it’s time to complete the planting of bedding and half-hardy plants. Fill the gaps in flower borders with fast-growing annuals, such as morning glory and sweet peas. Don’t forget to prune your flowering shrubs like lilac and forsythia, once they finish blooming, to encourage a late flourish of flowers.


As your garden continues to bloom, this is a month for maintenance, rather than planting. Cut back on half of perennials that have flowered (lupins and delphiniums) – this can see them grow back again, later in the season.


As August sees your garden in full colour, it’s time to sit back and enjoy it! Although, if you’re keen to do something, colchicums (to bloom in the autumn) and spring bulbs (daffodils, crocus and hyacinths) can now be planted. Now is also a good time to plant biennial seeds (such as Miss Jekyll Alba) can also be sown.


Now the hard work starts! Winter and spring flowering bulbs; snowdrops, bluebells, daffodils, tulips, crocuses and anemones should be planted, this month, while biennials and perennials sown previously can also be planted. Sweet peas and hardy annuals can be sown in pots.


As the weather changes, it’s another month of garden maintenance! If you’re wanting to plant new trees, this is the best month, with more rain on the way. Of course, trees need to be planted along with plenty of water to take hold. Delphiniums, hostas, lupins and primroses (and other herbaceous perennials) should be divided and re-planted.


While you can still get out in the garden, continue planting your spring flowering bulbs (daffodils and tulips) and hellebore – that beautiful ‘Christmas Rose’!


With Christmas and the New Year quickly approaching and lack of daylight hours, it’s a good job there’s not too much to plant, during December!


After the busy festive period and usually the coldest month on our hands, again this is a month for general garden care and preparing yourself for spring!


February should see snowdrops and daffodils springing up and as long as there is no snow or frost – planting roses can now start! Divide any perennials, and then towards the end of the month, borders can be prepped for planting hardy annuals.


March always sees spring bloom into life. Whilst admiring your daffodils, some summer bedding plants can now be sown.

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