Have a Happy Half Term

Now the half term break is here how are you going to keep the children entertained? Here are our tips and tricks for you to beat boredom and have a happy, fun-filled half term!
Learning Outside The Classroom
School may be out for a week or so, but that doesn’t mean that the learning needs to stop! Instead of being sat in the classroom – take your children out and about to learn more
about the world.
Take advantage of the fantastic local museums and libraries we have on our doorsteps to uncover the interesting history our towns and villages have. Many museums are free to enter, and the majority of library services are completely free too. Don’t forget that libraries also offer book and DVD hire too – perfect for those rainy half term afternoons; getting lost in another world.
Other brilliant places to visit for an educational yet fun experience are our National Trust properties. From acres of woodland to explore (Sheffield Park) to Arts and Crafts family homes (Standen), botanical gardens (Wakehurst) to ancient commons (Harewoods), there’s plenty to see and do nearby which will delight and inform big and little kids alike!
Get Creative
Time and time again studies show that creative kids are happy kids! With mindfulness being the word of the moment, it’s time to turn off the TV and get making to get the creative cogs whirring.
Unleash the finger paints to create half term works of art. Get in the kitchen to whip up cakes Mary Berry would be proud of. Learn how to crochet or knit. You could even get the sewing machine whizzing and teach them how to make a basic cushion in just a couple of hours! The list is endless when it comes to creativity!
If your child isn’t overly ‘arty’, perhaps they’d feel more at home creating a snuggly den, or transforming your living room into their very own theatre? Journaling and story writing in a tranquil, peaceful space is also a lovely way to spend a few hours, far from the mindlessness of playing video games or re-watching that TV programme for what seems like the hundredth time!.
Tick Off That To-Do List
With such busy lives, we’re constantly adding things to the ever-growing to-do list. However, what have you wanted to do with/for your children that you haven’t got around to just yet? Those grey February half term days give you the perfect opportunity to get stuff done.
It doesn’t have to be boring – in fact, you could find that it’s entirely the opposite! Have you been wanting to organise extra-curricular activities for your children? Perhaps they could enjoy a trial session? Maybe you’ve been meaning to take them to somewhere you loved to visit when you were a child? Or have you wanted to make a memory box for them to record their milestones? Grab a shoebox and get making, for a lovely afternoon of memory-making fun.
By Shelley Welti