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Haywards Heath Author’s Acclaimed Debut

Haywards Heath Author’s Acclaimed Debut

A childhood ambition to write stories has led to a Haywards Heath mum-of-two reaching the top of the charts with her debut novel, Into the Shadows.

Teaching assistant and keen photographer, Marie Jones, has been writing and developing characters from an early age.

When she was eleven years old, she was hugely inspired by best-selling author, Barbara Taylor Bradford OBE, and received a personal letter back from the writer.

This experience motivated her to write, and later that year her teacher read out a story to the class Marie had written – her first steps to becoming a writer.

Marie studied a three-year course in writing, before becoming a teaching assistant and has learnt so much about the writing and publishing industry in the production of her self-published novel.

“I invested in professional help to make sure the editing was thorough with constructive feedback” Marie explained.

“Writing is a discipline, and I adopt a daily writing routine while being a mum and having a job. I have a limited slot each day to write, so I have to be motivated. It’s easy to give up at times, but your personal creative flow will come if you persevere every day. I treat writing as a form of escapism and enjoy doing it.”

We have a copy of the book to giveaway to one lucky reader!

To find out more or to enter please click HERE

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Meet the author…

Marie will be holding a special reading of her novel at Haywards Heath library on Monday, November 21 6.00pm to 7.00pm. Special signed copies of her novel will be available to purchase – to reserve your free place please call the library’s helpdesk on 01444 25544, or email


The novel tells the story of Lily Crossways’ mysterious journey that begins after a strange encounter with a long-lost woman on a beach. Marie admits her inspiration came from a seaside holiday she went on with her family in Dingle, Ireland.

Marie explained: “The original idea that later formed Into the Shadows derived the day I stood on Inch Beach in Ireland and this beautiful stretch of land took my breath away. It was full of mystery and intrigue.’

“I saw a figure in the distance and started to piece together a literary framework based on the snapshot of what I saw. Once I had a storyline, I could focus on the characters and after a while, I got to know them as real people.”

A career highlight for Marie was when she received an incredible five-star review from the acclaimed, Readers Favourite.

“The story was beautifully woven around the tragic character in the photograph, and the past sins of some locals, as well as Lily’s family. The Irish charm envelops the reader despite the difficult and unhappy search for answers, and carries you page by page into an intriguing story of love, loyalty and betrayal. Well written and a very worthwhile, pleasant read. I loved it,” Patricia Day, Readers Favourite.

Marie added: “Although Lily is fictitious, her doubts and lack of confidence in herself is something I see in so many of us. My hope is that people will be able to relate to Lily, and by doing so, appreciate their own potential and worth.”

[box type=”info” align=”” class=”” width=”600″]As well as topping Amazon’s Literary chart, Into the Shadows reached number two in both the Romance and Thriller charts. The novel is available to buy from Amazon in a paperback or Kindle format. You can also reach Marie at Her author Facebook page is Twitter account: @mariejones14057[/box]

By Georgia Lambert

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