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The Hidden Treasure That Is Lingfield Library

Tucked away in a corner of a conservation area, the Guest House in Vicarage Road, Lingfield, has stood since 1474. Over the years, this historic building has had a variety of uses – including a period when it served as an ale house called The French Horn. Since 1956, it has been Lingfield’s library.

Along with 12 other Surrey libraries, it is now what is known as a community library, and is run by a group of around 30 enthusiastic volunteers, while Surrey County Council continues to provide the books, back-up and training.

As well as providing the normal services you would expect from a library, plans for the future include regular contact with local schools, social events and outreach. At the end of last year, a successful story writing competition for children was organised and the library was delighted to have a class visit from children at Lingfield Primary School.

Rhyme time for young children takes place each Thursday morning and an after school story time for 5 – 6 year-olds is also in the pipeline. Last year, there were Christmas readings with mulled wine and mince pies which were greatly enjoyed and will be repeated as the historic building lends itself to such events. 2017 has already hosted Valentine’s Day and Easter events. Further plans for 2017 include craft sessions, second-hand book sales, and a presence at Lingfest.

The ancient building was restored in the late 19th century by Charles Hayward and passed to his son, who left the building in trust to the village. As well as the library, the building houses the Hayward Collection of documents and artefacts, along with an extensive local history archive, administered by the RH7 History Group.

[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=”600″] Lingfield Community Library

Lingfield Library, The Guest House, Vicarage Road, Lingfield RH7 6HA

Opening Times:

Tuesday & Wednesday: 2.00pm – 5.00pm

Thursday: 10.00am – 5.00pm

Friday: 2.00pm – 5.00pm

Saturday: 10.00am – 4.00pm

Sunday, Monday & bank holidays: Closed

Lingfield Community Library is always looking for volunteers if you are interested in meeting new people and working in a unique environment, visit: [/box] [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=”600″] Interested in local history? On the first Thursday of the month between 10.00am – 12.00pm historians are on-hand to help with researching local history. For more information about the RH7 History Group, visit: [/box]

By Rachel Whitlam

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