Horley Carnival 2021 is Cancelled

A Message from Mike George, Chairman, Horley Carnival Committee
At a recent meeting of the Carnival Committee, a decision was taken, with great reluctance, to cancel this year’s Horley Carnival.
An option to look at holding the Carnival on different dates was considered as was a change to the format of the event such as not holding a parade. Neither were considered appropriate and the latter was thought to change the established character of the Carnival, which over the years has proven to be the most popular part of the day.
In the end, we were very worried about the ongoing COVID pandemic and the ability to maintain guidance on things such as social spacing, which could still be in effect come the Summer.
We appreciate this decision will come as a great disappointment to many, but the welfare of our residents is paramount in these difficult times.
We are in contact with the arena and other acts that we rolled over from last year to attend next year’s Carnival which will take place on Saturday, 18th June 2022.
We look forward to seeing you all in June 2022!