Knitters, Crochet Fans & Crafters Get Set For Horsham Exhibition

Fancy getting your kids off your hands for a few hours whilst you go and appreciate the fine works of knitting? Well, luckily for you, Horsham Museum and Art Gallery has the solution.
[one_half]With free admission, the exhibition will take place featuring knitted creations whilst the museum hosts a workshop, during the summer holidays, for young visitors to create their own woolly creations.
This colourful summer exhibition, Knitwits, is a way to explore the creative ways in which people have made use of yarn, thread and wool.
The exciting exhibition features unique displays of crafted crocheted creations, handmade by very talented residents of Horsham and the surrounding areas.
In addition, there will be special items displayed from the museum’s costume and archive collections.
This includes make do and mend pamphlets and clothing including a 17th Century sock.
[/one_half][one_half_last] [box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=””]Marilyn Monroe Inspired By Andy Warhol
The Materialistics’ pieces have reproduced famous, iconic works of art through sewing, knitting, and crochet, including, much-famed Marilyn Monroe art by Andy Warhol.
Until Friday, September 7 you can view some of the finest knitted works from artists such as Materialistics. Materialistics enjoy practising skills in a creative way, by using recycled materials.
They are a group of keen knitters and enthusiastic stitchers, who reproduce iconic works of art through knitting, crochet and sewing.
Horsham Museum and Art Gallery has borrowed four of the Materialistics’ pieces to display in the exhibition, along with a selection of knitted moths, created by London-based artist, Max Alexander.
Knitwits exhibition is open now at Horsham Museum and Art Gallery, 9, Causeway, Horsham, RH12 1HE. It is open from 10.00 am – 5.00pm, Monday – Saturday. For more information, visit:
Horsham Museum and Art Gallery
Horsham Museum was founded in 1893 by members of the Free Christian Church, the early collections of the museum were focused on history and geology. In 2010, an art gallery was opened in dedication of the museum and today it routinely presents new and varied exhibitions for Mid Sussex residents to enjoy.
By Natasha Fielding