Leigh Women’s Institute

Leigh Women’s Institute is a friendly group that meet on the 2nd Monday of the month at 7:30 pm at Abbots Pass Hall, Bunce Common Road Leigh RH2 8NP.
Although the group have managed to maintain contact with their members over the last couple of difficult years, they are thrilled to be resuming events as before. An example of this is the jumble sale the ladies held recently, raising a significant sum and managing to provide financial support to a Ukrainian family.
The monthly meetings see a plethora of activities and talks for members to enjoy having recently been visited by Kent, Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance, a local Master Sadler and an introduction to Yoga at the May meeting! Leigh WI had a busy month in June! Not only were they visited by talented Harpist, Luisa Cordell but also had a Platinum Jubilee Garden Party on the 11th to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II’s 70-year reign and to top it all off, they celebrated their 105th Birthday as a group, on the same day, being the oldest WI in Surrey.
July will see Leigh WI take a summer evening walk accompanied by a lovely pub dinner at the village local and in August, assistance-dog charity, Canine Partners will be going along to give a talk. Besides the monthly meetings, walks in the beautiful Surrey countryside are a regular occurrence, usually with a stop for coffee or lunch.

There is a full and varied programme for the rest of the year and well into 2023 which includes outings to various places of interest such as Wakehurst Place, Hampton Court Flower Show and The Savoy Theatre in London’s West End to see the stage adaptation of Pretty Woman. We also enjoy a delightful Christmas
party and meal at the end of the year – what’s not to like.
Leigh WI is a member of the Surrey Federation of Women’s Institutes and has over 30 members with them always welcoming new members into the circle.
For more information and to potentially become a member of the renowned group please email – leighwisecretary@gmail.com
From all of us at RH Uncovered we would like to wish Leigh WI a Happy Birthday and Congratulations on reaching 105 years of the group!