Lindfield Repair Cafe going from Strength to Strength!

The second Lindfield Repair Cafe was held on Saturday 4th December and was another outstanding success. With over 80 visitors bringing items for repair and others coming to find out what it’s all about, many enjoying a hot drink and delicious cake made by a wonderful local team, there was a real community vibe.
“We had a constant stream of visitors.” said Nicola Coughlin, who was working on the check-in desk. Several people brought in items of clothing for repair, a broken intricate lamp-base was completely renovated, a 1980’s microwave was brought back to life, a few clocks were fixed and there was even a litter picker re-strung! A doll had her arm re-attached and a beautiful model carousel was mended. The team of expert volunteers certainly seem to be able to turn their hands to most things.
The aim is to reduce waste by providing volunteer-based repair service to anyone in Lindfield and surrounding areas. As well as repairs, there is a knife sharpening service which is proving to be popular.
The organisers would like to thank everyone who donated toys to the ‘Pre-Loved Christmas Appeal ‘, they were amazed by the number of donations that have all been given to Bentswood Community Hub in Haywards Heath where they will bring joy and happiness to many local children.
For the next event, to be held on Saturday 8th January, Lindfield Repair Cafe is collecting unwanted laptops or computers for Computers for Kids, a local community charity. The charity repairs second-hand computers and donates them to children to aid them in their school work. So if you get a lovely new laptop for Christmas, don’t leave the old one lying unused in a cupboard! Children who come along to the event will be able to take old computers apart themselves at the Kids Table. The Repair Cafe also has an amazing team of volunteers who can assist in computer recovery and repair, as well as give basic advice.
Lindfield Repair Café is open on the first Saturday of every month at the United Reformed Church, 52 High Street, Lindfield from 10am to 1pm. (On bank holiday weekends the date will move to the second Saturday of the month)
For more information visit their website