A Little Extra Education

Private tutoring, year-on-year is becoming more popular, and this is often attributed to the effectiveness of private tutors of improving not only a child’s academic grades, but also their practical understanding of a wide range of subjects which regular classes cannot always do.
If, as a parent you decide to invest in a private tutor to give your child a little extra education at any stage of their education, what benefits can you hope for you and your child to receive from a tutor?
Customised Lessons
An advantage of private tuition is that lessons can be easily customised to suit a child’s needs. The pace, focus and learning goals can be set according to each child. This is especially important for a child with dyslexia or dyspraxia – a good tutor will be able to take this into account in their tutoring.
One-to-one Teaching
The amount of time a school teacher can afford a child can be limited with a class size of between 20 and 30, but, on a one-to-one basis, the tutor can focus their full attention on the child under their tutelage – there is less distraction and the tutor can best appreciate and work on a child’s learning.
How To Find The Right Tutor
Different people work as tutors, including: teachers, retired teachers, and university students or recent graduates. Many work through an agency, and as with most services, a recommendation is reassuring. Whether you receive a recommendation or not, think about the following – is the tutor’s tutoring style right for your child? Tutors can work from their home or in your home, what would work best for your child? Getting the right answers to these questions can help get the right tutor.
[/box]Increased Confidence
One-to-one learning makes learning a more personal experience and helps develop a much stronger relationship between tutor and child. If a child suffers from shyness, being in this intimate learning space can give them the chance to express themselves where they are under less social pressure.
Help With Homework And Test Practice
Homework can all too often be boring and daunting, left to their own devices, a child will work through the exercise and not engage with the subject – a private tutor can help keep the child focussed and give them the right pointers and address weak points to obtain higher standards.
More Interesting Materials And Forms Of Study
School lessons can sometimes be rigid in style, reliant on textbooks and set goals. Private classes can be less formal and more flexible. Tutors as a result are free to use materials and forms of study they feel to be most useful – this can open a child’s mind further and broaden their learning horizons.
Saves Time And Effort
Although it is great for parents to get involved with their child’s learning, it is not always possible. Work commitments can limit the time you are able to spend helping with homework each evening, and as a child gets older and work becomes more complex a private tutor is able to offer support.
A Safe Learning Environment
As well as academic and professional qualifications, it is vital to make sure a private tutor as a CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) Check – remember, you are placing your child in a vulnerable position, you must do all you can to ensure the tutor can be trusted – check this information out for yourself.