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Mark’s Tasty Turkey Melt

Mark’s Tasty Turkey Melt


  • One French Baguette
  • Generous Turkey Slices
  • Salad Leaves
  • Blue Brie (or Cheese of choice)
  • Mustard and Mayo (or Cranberry Sauce if you still have some to use up)
  • Sliced Tomato
  • Fries


    1. Cook the fries according to instructions, I gave these French fries a good dusting with piri piri seasoning to add a touch of spice.
    2. Cut the baguette into an appropriate size to accommodate your turkey slices and cut down the middle.
    3. On the bottom half, lay your turkey slices and top with slices of the cheese.
    4. When the fries are nearly done place the baguettes onto a baking tray and place into the oven until the cheese melts.
    5. Plate up the fries, remove the baguettes from the oven and top with salad of your choice.
    6. On the top part of the baguette, slather with a mix of mayo and mustard (or cranberry sauce), and place on the tomatoes and place this onto the bottom portion of the baguette and enjoy!

Mark says: “This is a quick and easy supper idea, a back to work or school lunch which can help you to use up that leftover Christmas turkey! Best of all this is a simple, yet, delicious dish to prepare.”

Recipes For Any Occasion
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a recipe suitable. Visit the A Mouthful of Mark
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