Mid Sussex Home Care Company urges older residents and families to ‘prepare for winter’.

Pip and Amal Bhurrut of Guardian Angel Carers are offering tips for older local residents and their families to consider ahead of this winter.
The Sussex couple, who established their flourishing Mid Sussex branch in 2022 after working in the NHS for 20 years – Pip as a physiotherapist and Amal as an intensive-care nurse – have a deep understanding of how winter effects older people’s lives.
“As we move into winter older people become more vulnerable and can become more isolated and unwell,” says Pip, “So do try to plan ahead prepare for everything that winter can bring.”
Here are Guardian Angel Carers top tips for older people in Winter:
- Stock up on tinned and dried foods, medication and batteries for torches
- Use lots of layers of thin clothing to keep warm, rather than big, thick clothes. It’s more effective and makes it easier to adjust up or down
- If there is an un-used room in the house, remember to turn the radiator off and shut the door and keep all your curtains closed in the evenings
- Don’t sit still for more than an hour – it’s important to keep moving regularly for your health and for your warmth
- Keep a water bottle to hand so that you can keep hydrated
- Make sure you sign up for any ‘emergency priority registers’, such as with your gas/electricity supplier (details: ofgem.gov.uk)
As a physiotherapist, Pip is particularly keen on helping older people to remain active.
“Keeping up your mobility and agility is so important. We know from research that the vast majority of people want to remain as independent as possible and stay in their own homes as they get older. Taking care of your health and fitness is almost always the key to that and we can help with this by improving your quality of life.”
And, once again, Pip reiterates,
“Think ahead! Please don’t hesitate to contact Guardian Angel Carers. We offer a free, private discussion and independent quality of life care consultation for older people and their families or anyone who maybe planning for the future. You may well not need us today – which is fantastic! But, like so many, care services, demand can be very high in winter, and we are always looking to help people stay as long as possible in their own homes. So why not plan ahead and take the opportunity to meet us before you need us?”