Mid Sussex Voters Reminded Of ID Pilot
Mid Sussex Voters Reminded Of ID Pilot
As voters go to the ballot box next month, Mid Sussex residents are being reminded that everyone voting at a Mid Sussex polling station for the local elections on Thursday, May 2 will need a form of photographic ID.
It is hoped that the pilot will provide further insights into how best to ensure the security of the voting process, reduce the risk of voter fraud, and identify the methods of ID which work best for voters.
Minister for the Constitution, Chloe Smith MP, said: “We want people to have confidence that our elections are safeguarded against any threat or perception of electoral fraud.’
“People are already required to show ID to pick up a parcel from the Post Office, rent a car, or apply for benefits, and this is a common sense next step to securing the integrity of our elections.”
Voters in the Mid Sussex District Council area as well as other test areas of Watford and North West Leicestershire will need to show their unique security-coded poll card or photo ID when they vote.
Director of communications and research for the Electoral Commission, Craig Westwood, said: “We will publish our findings following the May elections, in the summer of 2019.”
For more information about elections and voting in Mid Sussex, visit: www.midsussex.gov.uk/elections-voting/