Navigating University Clearing

Navigating University Clearing
August brings with it the much-anticipated great reveal of exams results that millions of young people across the UK may have been fretting about for months. If the exam results that your youngster is waiting on are A-Levels, this is the month that their next steps need to be thought about, did they make the grade? Are their results better than expected?
When it comes to navigating university clearing it is important to consider all the options available to your youngster – whether that is re-sits or a new focus. Failure to meet predicted exam grades or the conditions for a certain course or institution can be extremely disappointing,
but all is not lost, in fact, far from it – it is important to remain positive and think about what your youngster’s best next step is.
For many young people, re-sitting exams is an option in order to achieve an improved
grade, another option is to re-apply now for next year and in the meantime take a gap year whilst working or travelling. If your youngster has their heart set on heading off to university this autumn and they have decided to go through the university clearing process, what should they think about to move in a new direction?
When it comes to the university clearing process, universities want students as much as students want a university place, therefore avoid stressing – additionally, clearing spaces have steadily risen recently, so think about taking the following steps to help make the navigating process as seamless as is possible.
Whatever your youngster’s exam results, the best place to begin is by referring to the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) website, and log into the student track field. Track is the system which holds all details relating to a university application process and provides up-to-date information whether an application has been accepted or not, as the case maybe, if conditional on achieving results.
When it comes to university places, whether during clearing or during general admission, make sure you and your youngster researches widely. On A-Level results day, the body responsible for looking after university applications, UCAS and most universities run up-to-the-minute social media accounts with details about vacancies, this is a way to find courses and institutions,
and they can be contacted about availability.
As well as 21st Century communication methods, remember to call universities, online can be a good starting point, however, even in 2019 universities expect students to make contact by phone. As a rule, universities will not accept an application from a prospective student who has not contacted the institution in person – by calling in, youngsters can speak
to the admissions team and teaching staff.
Make Sure You Are Not
University Challenged
Whether your youngster is applying now through clearing, or your youngster is
thinking about applying for university place in autumn 2020 – the deadline for
2020 is fast approaching, think about researching:
Know Your Subject
Identify the subject that best fits career aspirations,
look also at its module overview and expectations
Know Your University
Establish that a university is right based on the subject,
the institution’s ranking, and wider university life
Know The Process
Applying through UCAS requires a lot of attention
and application know-how, so do your homework
Connecting People To Higher Education
For more information about UCAS, the clearing process,
and higher education, visit: