What To Do If You Did Not Make The Grade

The exams have been sat and the results are in. After weeks of exams, months of revision and years of studying the hard work is over but the tough choices about the future are only just beginning and those choices can become a lot tougher if you did not get the exam results you were hoping for but we have a handy guide to what your next steps should be if your exam results are more “argh!” than A*.
For those who have just received their GCSE exam results and fallen short of expectations or the necessary grades needed to gain entry into a chosen school sixth form or further education college:
Talk To Your Teachers About Re-marking
If your grades are not what you expected and you think there is a mistake, speak to your teachers about re-marking. They can advise you on whether it is the right thing to do – you will need to make a re-marking request through your school. There is a charge for re-marking, this is refunded if your grades are changed, but remember your grades could go down as well as up. If you have requested that your exams are re-marked, some sixth forms and colleges might allow you to start your studies pending the outcome of your request – call them and explain the situation as soon as possible.
Talk To Your Sixth Form Or College
If you did not get the grades needed, they might still be able to accept you or they may offer you a place on a different course at their institution. They may also be in the position to recommend other local colleges elsewhere which have entry requirements that would suit your exam results better.
Re-sit Your GCSEs
While it might be difficult to come to terms with doing the work you have already completed, if you need certain grades to get the job or university place you want, your best option could be to re-sit your GCSEs. This does not have to mean re-doing them in school – you can take online GCSE courses that will allow you to fit them around work, A Levels, or other commitments. There are online GCSE courses, but bear in mind some have strict deadlines just like at school. If you are planning on working or taking A Levels at the same time as studying for GCSEs, it is best to find a flexible course with no deadlines. This allows you to work at your own pace, making sure you will not get overwhelmed. Re-doing your exams will demonstrate dedication, and this can be beneficial in future applications. However, if you have a particular university or course in mind, you should check that they will accept re-sits, and if the entry requirements are higher when re-sits are involved.
Look At Vocational Courses
If you found your exams particularly difficult, it could be that an academic career is not for you. Think about taking a vocational or professional qualification which could suit you better – it will prepare you for work in a more practical way. There will be some hands-on learning as well as some time studying. There are vocational courses both online and available at colleges which offer accredited professional qualifications in fields including PR, accounting, marketing and management.
Think About An Apprenticeship
Rewarding and well-paid careers can come out of apprenticeships – they allow you to study for your qualification while gaining practical experience working in your chosen industry. Typically, you work four days and study one. Some require certain grades at GCSE, check which apprenticeships you are eligible for.
For more information, visit: www.gov.uk/topic/further-education-skills/apprenticeships
[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=”600″] With many possibilities at your fingertips, missing out on your expected GCSE grades does not have to be a disaster. Whether you re-sit your exams to get back on track, or take a new route, you are bound to find something that suits you and your abilities, results day is the beginning of future you, not the end.[/box]