Questions To Ask A Babysitter

With lots of Christmas and New Year nights-out planned, the party season is upon us! However, if you have work dos or adult-only family and friend get-togethers who do you leave your children with? If you choose to employ a babysitter, take some time to ask them questions to determine their suitability.
Interviews are a great idea to determine if a babysitter is a good fit for your children whilst you are out partying. An interview gives you the opportunity to get a feel for a babysitter and help you make an informed decision, after all you will be leaving your child with this person, so, what do you ask?
There are some simple but effective questions to ask which will help you learn more about a babysitter’s personality and decision making ability:
What do you enjoy most about babysitting?
What do children like about you?
What activities do you like doing with children?
How do you deal with a misbehaving child?
What has been the most challenging experience of babysitting?
What questions do you have?
When it comes to making a decision, choosing a babysitter can be like going dating!
You will need to at some point trust your gut instinct. Experience and glowing references
are not the be all and end all, in fact finding someone you can trust, who is reliable and
who your children are happy and safe with are most important. Choose the right babysitter
and you can head off and party carefree!
Getting The Basics Right
When it comes to finding the right babysitter for your child, think about the basics first – their contact details, their availability, the rates they charge and any references that they may be able to give you.
Ask Around
If you are looking for a babysitter, ask other parents at nursery or school, can they recommend someone? Without a doubt, a recommendation is so worthwhile and sows a seed of trust.
By Jacob White