A Relaxed Hawth Performance

The Hawth Theatre has announced that for the first time there will be a relaxed performance of this year’s Christmas pantomime Peter Pan on Friday, December 16 at 10.30am.
The performance is designed to reduce anxiety and create a supportive atmosphere for people with autism spectrum conditions, learning disabilities and other sensory and communication disorders.
Paul Hendy producer of Evolution Pantomimes said: “Evolution Pantomimes have put on several relaxed performances which have been very successful.’
“At the performance adjustments will be made to sound and light levels, loud noises will be reduced and strobe lighting taken out.’
“There will be also be chill out areas available and a relaxed attitude to movement in and out of the auditorium” Paul added.
The General Manager of the Hawth, Dave Watmore said: “The Hawth has always been committed to making our performances as accessible as possible for the whole community.’
“We are especially pleased that we are able to offer a relaxed performance of our pantomime so that even more children together with their families can enjoy the timeless story of Peter Pan.”
This year’s fun-filled family pantomime stars EastEnders’ Emma Barton as Tinkerbell and Shaun Williamson of EastEnders and Extras who will be the villainous Captain Hook.
[box type=”info” align=”” class=”” width=”600″]Relaxed Performance: Friday, December 16 10.30am
Tickets for the performance will be offered at a reduced rate of £12.
Call The Hawth Box Office today on 01293 553636, for this performance tickets cannot be purchased online but you can get further information by visiting www.hawth.co.uk
[/box]Peter Pan runs at The Hawth Friday, December 9 2016 – Monday, January 2 2017