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The Greenaway Foundation – Bringing Hope to Local Families This Christmas

The Greenaway Foundation

The Greenaway Foundation has become a lifeline for many families in the RH postcode area, especially during the Christmas season.

Founded by Darren Greenaway, who also runs the successful Greenaway Residential Estate Agents, the foundation focuses on providing support to those in need, with its flagship initiative being the annual Christmas campaign.

Darren’s journey into charity work was deeply influenced by his own experiences. Growing up in a single-parent family, he understood the challenges of making ends meet. “My mother always found a way to give us a holiday and a proper Christmas, despite having little money. That inspired me to help others in similar situations.”

The foundation began in 2012 with Darren personally funding efforts to provide local families with all the ingredients for a healthy two-course Christmas dinner. Over the years, it has grown significantly, now aiming to help 1,000 families this Christmas. The campaign also fulfils “wishes”— Christmas gifts up to the value of £25 that children from families in need have specifically requested, ensuring they receive something special during the festive season when they might otherwise go without.

“From the outset, it’s been important to me that every penny raised goes directly to those who need it”

From Estate Agency to Charity

Darren’s career in estate agency began in 1991 after an injury ended his aspirations of competing at a high level in karate. He founded Greenaway Residential Estate Agents in 2000, motivated by a desire to offer better service than what he had experienced as a first-time buyer.

The idea for the Greenaway Foundation stemmed from Darren’s commitment to giving back to the community. Initially, he funded the Christmas campaign himself, but as word spread, others began to contribute. “From the outset, it’s been important to me that every penny raised goes directly to those who need it” he explains.

To ensure this, Greenaway Residential Estate Agents cover all the running costs of the charity, meaning every donation goes straight to helping local families. The foundation eventually became a registered charity to formalise its operations and ensure transparency.

Overcoming Challenges, Achieving Success

In the first year, Darren helped just five families, including a young girl named Tiffany. When Darren delivered a Christmas meal to her home, Tiffany was shy and quiet, but the impact was profound. Years later, Tiffany shared her story at a Foundation event, expressing how much that support meant to her during a difficult time. Her words were a powerful reminder of how a simple gesture can bring hope to a child who might otherwise feel forgotten during the festive season. You can read more about Tiffany’s experience on the Foundation’s website.

As the foundation grew, Darren encountered a unique challenge: getting people to believe in the sincerity of his efforts. “What
estate agent goes out of their way to effectively give money away?” he says, reflecting on the initial scepticism. “Trust was a big hurdle, but over time, we’ve built strong relationships with the community.”

Despite these challenges, the foundation’s reach has expanded, with more volunteers, sponsors, and families involved each year.

The Christmas Campaign Today

Today, the Greenaway Foundation’s Christmas campaign is a well-oiled operation. This year, Darren expects around 300 volunteers to help with wrapping presents, organising deliveries, and ensuring that each family receives not just a festive meal, but also gifts for the children. However, he is hopeful that even more people will step forward, exceeding this target and making the campaign bigger and better than ever before.

“Our goal this year is to help 1,000 families and fulfil at least 4,000 wishes,” Darren says. “But with the community’s support, we could surpass these numbers and make an even greater impact.” The foundation aims to raise £125,000 to meet this target, with local businesses sponsoring the food and the community contributing to the gifts.

To date, the charity has supported over 6,000 families and made 9,560 wishes come true. The Christmas campaign is supported by a growing network of local schools, businesses, and volunteers.

Beyond Christmas: Year-Round Support

While the Christmas campaign is the foundation’s main focus, it also provides support to local schools throughout the year, assisting with costs for school uniforms, travel, and residential trips. Currently, the foundation supports 51 schools in the area, helping them identify families in need and ensuring assistance reaches those who need it most.

The foundation also has an initiative to assist less privileged children in attending their school proms, though this is still evolving. “Proms are something we’re still working on,” Darren explains. “We want to find a way to make every child feel special, whether that’s through subsidised tickets, help with outfits, or arranging transport.”

Looking Ahead to 2024

As the foundation looks towards Christmas 2024, Darren is focused on expanding the campaign’s reach and impact. This year, the foundation will use two halls at Oriel High School to manage the increased demand, with plans to scale up even further in the coming years. “My ultimate goal is to feed 1,000,000 families in a single Christmas before I die,” Darren says. “We’re a long way off, but each year we get closer.”

For the Greenaway Foundation, the mission is clear: to make a meaningful difference to as many struggling families as possible, one Christmas at a time.

RH Uncovered is proud to be the official media partner supporting the Greenaway Foundation this Christmas. As the campaign progresses, we’ll be bringing you more stories from those touched by the foundation’s efforts, ways for the community to get involved, and opportunities to volunteer. Keep an eye out for updates in our magazine, on our website and across our social media pages.

Want to get involved?

You can make a difference this Christmas by supporting the Greenaway Foundation:

  • Volunteer: Become an elf or reindeer by helping with wrapping, deliveries, or organising the campaign.
  • Donate: Sponsor a child’s Christmas wish, contribute to the festive meal fund, or scan the QR code to donate directly to the Christmas campaign.
  • Spread the Word: Share the campaign with your friends, family, and colleagues to raise awareness and increase support.

If you’re a local business wanting to explore sponsorship and funding opportunities, contact

Visit for more information and help spread some Christmas cheer!

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