The Rotary Club Of Cuckfield And Lindfield: From Fundraising To Youth Work

Community service is the traditional and well known face of Rotary. The first ever Club was founded in Chicago in 1905.
Since then, around 1.2 million men and women belong to more than 28,000 Rotary Clubs in virtually every nation in the world. The vision? To create a better world by giving Rotarians the opportunity to use their passion, energy and professional expertise as part of a global network of friends.
“I have been a member of this Club since May 1997, carrying out many of the varied roles within the Club,” Trevor Clapp told RH Uncovered.
“I was President in the years 2002/2003. At present, I am the Press Relations Officer. One of our principal objectives in 2016 is to increase our membership, particularly but not exclusively, our younger membership from thirty to fifty years old.”
Trevor said their principal fundraising event each year since 1998 has been The Sponsored Darts Marathon – an event that has raised a whopping £140,000 to date.
“This is being run again over 2015/2016. Public Houses, Social Clubs, Churches, Businesses and other individuals will take part.
It is a highly popular event and great fun! After eight highly successful years and, again in 2016, our Foundation Committee is also organising a Silent Film Night to be held in March 2016.”
On the Community and Vocational front, Trevor said they raise funds on Bonfire Night in Lindfield, run a coconut shy or a mulled wine stall, help with reading lessons in local primary schools or participate in our Christmas and other collections mainly in Cuckfield and Lindfield. There will undoubtedly be many more.
In 2016, the International Committee is planning a visit to Berlin in conjunction with our link Rotary Club of Karlstadt Arnstein in Germany. The Club is also involved with a school in Haiti, where they are sponsoring a teacher.
Trevor said their Youth Service Projects team is running a “Youth Speaks” competition for the local college and schools in the immediate area. Whilst this competition provides the opportunity for local success for the boys/girls teams, the category winners progress to a District level and, if successful, to a National level.
If anyone is interested in joining the Rotary Club of Cuckfield & Lindfield , please ring 07866 536277 or email
If anyone would like further information, visit their website