Think Cyber-Security To Protect You And Your Family From Holiday Horror

Keeper Security has pulled together the top nine riskiest holiday destinations for cyber-security – as well as top tips on how to stay safe online whilst on holiday.
Keeper Security has labelled United States, Spain, France, Poland, Canada, Italy, Portugal, the Netherlands and Greece as the top nine riskiest holiday destinations for cyber-security – with the United States holding the top spot, having five million mobile threats.
Mobile threats mean the amount of times someone’s phone and online data has been hacked into and stolen. How can this be prevented?
Keeper Security has listed some top tips on how to stay safe abroad:
Make sure that all of your apps are protected with fresh, new passwords ideally stored in your password management system – if possible, use two-factor authentication which allows for extra security strength.
Your passwords must be eight characters long or longer with a combination of letters, numbers and symbols.
Avoid using public digital devices – in places such as coffee houses, libraries and book shops.
These are often riddled with malware which aims to steal your information.
Similarly, be careful connecting to any Wi-Fi network if you have not subscribed to a global service previously as the danger of malware is high.
Try not to charge your devices using anything other than your own chargers plugged directly into the wall or into your own adapter – it is easy for cyber thieves to install malware into public docking stations.
Follow these tips and you should be cyber-secure for your holidays!
[box type=”shadow” align=”” class=”” width=”600″] For more information on password and cyber safety, visit: [/box]By Harry Cave