Turn Good Grades Into Great Grades

September heralds the start of a new academic year, and this month represents the perfect opportunity for you to reevaluate your child’s progress. This is especially true for those who are looking to make the most of their studies and to convert good grades into great ones! Go on, make this the year grades soar!
Is your child nervous about the thought of going back to school and the rigours of studying again? Make this the school year they achieve not just good grades, but great grades. When it comes to studying, think about three key areas:
Set Study Goals
What is your child’s goal for the new academic year? To achieve a goal, an outcome must be set first of all. However, make sure the target is achievable, once they are happy, aim to develop a study plan for the year ahead.
Make A Study Plan
It is often said that preparation is the key to success, therefore, to break the cycle of cramming for exams, plan ahead. By planning ahead, a child’s time can be given to fun things other than constant studying.
Take Study Breaks
To be in the box seat when it comes to learning, breaks are essential. A child should have regular breaks to recover from the hard work they are putting in, breaks offer a time for reflection as well. As well as goal setting, planning and break taking, think about how studying can be more effective, and even fun for your child!
Buddy Up
Does your child thrive in a group? A great idea is setting up a study group with other parents, the children who are motivated can work together, share their ideas and ultimately get the great grades as well!
Make A Date!
To help your child get through the first half term of the academic year, why not make a date? The October half term coincides with Halloween, so plan a fun-filled spooktacular party! Add some fancy dress and party games to make it a date to remember. Parties can help enhance existing friendships as well as create new ones, parties also give your child something to look forward to.
[/box] [/one_half_last]In With The New, Out With The Old
In 2018 studying is no longer about colour-coded notebooks – although, it is fine if your child finds these useful, instead, learn from a wide-range of sources.
Rich Rewards
A new academic year is an ideal time to put new routines, responsibilities and rewards in place. Does your child have a study routine? If not, put one in place. Does your child know their academic responsibilities? Let them know. Does your child have a reward chart? If not, create one for them.
By Jacob White