Tyre Health Check

As the only points of contact between you and the road, the condition of your tyres is vital so it’s important to check them regularly.
Tread Depth: Legally they need to be minimum of 1.6mm deep across the middle ¾ of the tread. But it is widely recognised that once half worn, the amount of grip that they provide in the wet drops off rapidly.
Checking your tyres is simple – all you need is a 20 pence piece. Simply slot the coin into the main grooves of your tyre and if the outer ring of the coin is obscured when in place your tread is legal. If you can see any of the outer band, your tyres may be illegal.
Sidewalls: Visually checking your tyres regularly for any signs of wear is imperative, as hitting potholes and mounting or rubbing against kerbs can take its toll. Take the time to look at the sidewalls, checking for bulges and tears.
Don’t run your hands along areas that you can’t see, in case any of the tyres structural metal cords are hanging out. They can be very sharp!
Pressures: Driving with under-inflated tyres for a long time weakens the sidewalls, the result is your vehicle won’t handle as well, and the shoulders of the tyres will also wear out quickly. You’ll use more fuel too.
If you over-inflate your tyres, your vehicle will be a lot stiffer, meaning road grip will be lessened, and the centre of your tyres will wear out
much more quickly.