Wealden Local Plan Public Representation Closes This Month
You are invited to make your voice heard as public representation for the latest Wealden Local Plan closes this month on Monday, October 8.
The Wealden Local Plan was approved by a full meeting of Wealden District Council in the summer for public representation which opened on Monday, August 13, and submission to the Secretary
of State for examination.
The Wealden Local Plan sets out planning policies for growth and change within the Wealden District (excluding the area of the District which is within the South Downs National Park) until 2028. After consideration of all representations received, the council intends to submit the document to the Secretary of State for examination later this year.
For more information and how you can have your say, visit: www.wealden.gov.uk/Wealden/index.aspx, or call: 01892 602008, or write to: Wealden District Council, Planning Policy, Council Offices, Vicarage Lane, Hailsham BN27 2AX