West Sussex Care Month 2016 is under way

This month is West Sussex Care Month, a campaign which West Sussex County Council will provide information to help people in the county live independently in their own homes as they get older.
It’s also about introducing the thought of what care requirements might be needed in the future and this year it focuses on five ways to wellbeing which can help support independent and healthy lives.
Throughout October, West Sussex County Council will be providing useful information about what you can do to help connect to others, be active, keep learning, take notice and finally, give to others.
It is hoped that these steps can help improve both mental and physical wellbeing. So, whether you receive care locally, or are a carer for someone locally West Sussex County Council has information.
Events during Care Month include an ‘Opening Doors’ event taking place in Crawley at the Civic Hall on Saturday, October 22. For more details, visit: www.westsussex.gov.uk/campaigns/opening-doors
The showcase of local services which support people’s health and wellbeing is a free event where visitors can gain awareness and advice from a range of organisations with representatives.
Hosted by West Sussex Minorities Health & Social Care Group and supported by the County Council and Crawley NHS Clinical Commissioning Group representatives present at the event will include:
- Adult Social Care
- Carers Support West Sussex
- Community Police
For more information about West Sussex Care Month, visit: www.westsussex.gov.uk/caremonth