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West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service Chief’s Car Wrecked

West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service Chief’s Car Wrecked

Firefighters at a West Sussex fire station have taken their high-pressure electric vehicle cutters to their former station commander’s car – do not worry it was all in a good cause and he gave consent.

Crews at Chichester Fire Station were gifted the vehicle, a Renault Clio by former station commander Pete Sadler to practice on as part of their regular road traffic collision response training.

He said: “I imagine a lot of people only dream about taking these sorts of heavy-duty power tools to their boss’ car, but for the crews at Chichester this sort of experience is absolutely vital.’

“Making sure our crews receive regular practical training prepares them for an emergency situation where their skills could very well save someone’s life. For me, it was a no-brainer.”

West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service is grateful to receive donations of scrap vehicles, to donate a car, call: 01243 752448, or email:, with the following details: your name, a contact number, make, model and registration of the vehicle, whether the vehicle is taxed or SORNd, your address including postcode of where the vehicle is parked – the vehicle will then be collected.

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