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When Jamie met Steve McFadden!

By Jamie Di Francescomarino

Back in September, I was lucky enough to interview the wonderful Steve McFadden. Known for his famous role as Phil Mitchell in EastEnders, Steve is tackling The Hawth’s panto this year as Fleshcreep in Jack and the Beanstalk.

J: “You appeared in Jack and the Beanstalk last year in Dunstable as Fleshcreep but you also played him here at The Hawth in 2015/16. How do you think you’ll approach it differently this time around?”

S: “Well, my singing has improved tremendously since all of my voice coaching! All new gags, it’s even funnier, I’ve got better and my singings improved!”

J: “You’ve been in Crawley before to come and turn on the Christmas lights in 2009, and you went to Moka Nightclub here, I imagine those were quite enjoyable but what is the strangest appearance you’ve been asked to do?”

S: “I don’t know about strange but the nicest one was when I had to give away £250,000 to a lady in Woolwich who had won on the bingo and it was one of the loveliest days of my life, giving her that much money was absolutely life changing for her and such a pleasure, she actually asked for me as she could choose who she wanted, she could’ve asked for Elton!”

J: “As you are playing the villain once again, is there a famous villain role that you’d love to play?”

S: “Acting doesn’t really work like that; doors open that you might not expect and they ask you to do villainous stuff but I would describe my character as Phil Mitchell in EastEnders someone who does the right things but in the wrong way, he’s trying to help and save people, he’s trying to make their lives better but it goes wrong, he’s not so much a villain but an evil character.”

J: “I recently interviewed Charlie Brooks and I also interviewed Rita Simons as she did The Hawth panto 2 years ago, who of your EastEnders co-stars past or present would you like to see in a panto or star alongside?”

S: “I think Shane Ritchie is a great one, I always take my hat off to the comic, in every show they do, they are the driving force behind the laughter and as much as I can be the driving force behind the ‘baddie’, the comic really is the person that carries the show as its supposed to be a great fun family event, I take my hat off to any comic, so yeah I’d like to work with him. And he’s local so he’s invited me round to his house whilst I’m down here!”

J: “A fun one to end – if you had magic beans that could grow you anything, what would they be growing?”

S: “Ah I thought this was supposed to be lightweight! I wish everyone was having a nice time, that’s what I like to see, people partying and enjoying themselves!”

J: “Don’t think I’m out of order but I thought you were going to say hair!”

To see Jack and the Beanstalk at The Hawth, this Christmas, click here to get your tickets!


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